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泰国国立宣素那他皇家大学坐落在曼谷大皇宫地区,大学校园充满历史文化底蕴, 这里曾经是大皇宫杜斯特宫殿的一部分, 国王拉玛皇家大院, 它是皇家花园和御花园, 它被命名为:宣素那他 "Sunandha"。
1957 - The Certificate of Education was expanded to include evening classes because of the increased enrollment in Grade 12. It was the first time Suan Sunandha admitted male students for the Teachers Training program. Dormitory shortage caused some students to find boarding homes outside the campus. 1958 – The Certificate of Higher Education was opened to students who had completed the Certificate of Education. The Ministry of Education raised the status of Suan Sunandha Widhyalai to Suan Sunandha Teachers College and opened three educational levels: Higher Education, Secondary Demonstration School, and Elementary Demonstration School. 1987 - The Teacher Education Council revised all Curricula for Teachers Colleges. At present, Suan Sunandha follows a new curriculum to provide academic Programs in various fields. 1991 - The Teacher Education Council approved the new programs in Business English and Food Science & Technology. Suan Sunandha admitted all qualified individuals into both programs. 1992 - His majesty the King graciously conferred the title “Rajabhat Institute” to the Teachers College.